Published 16 Jan, 2012

In 1963, thousands joined Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the streets of Detroit for “Detroit’s March to Freedom” to address the inequalities in hiring practices, wages as well as the segregation and brutality that met civil rights activists in the South.
Today, as union members and activists continue to fight for equality and a voice on the job, they will meet in Detroit for the annual AFL-CIO Dr. King Holiday Observance.
“The TWU has tirelessly dedicated itself to equality and the dreams that Dr. King had,” said TWU International President James C. Little. “ Today and everyday, it is crucial we stand together to defend our rights that are under attack, something we have fought for, for so long and to keep his legacy alive.”
King believed in making this country a better place. A place where everyone is equal and there is justice for all, while encouraging people to help make it that way and by giving back to their communities.
On this day, as the nation faces so many obstacles, economically and politically, we encourage all of you to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy and stand together to fight back against the inequalities and attacks against workers’ rights as Dr. King did himself.