Published 05 Jul, 2016

We join the Hillary Clinton campaign in welcoming their new Deputy Labor Campaign Directors: Michele Gilliam, a former TWU Local 100 staffer who worked as the New York Political Director on the Bernie Sanders campaign, and Lori D’Orazio, who formerly worked at the AFL-CIO and UAW. They join Nikki Budzinski, Labor Campaign Director, who has had a long career with UFCW and the IAFF.
Last week, TWU International President Harry Lombardo, Vice President and Transit Division Director Jerome Lafragola and Government Affairs Director met with Gilliam and D’Orazio to discuss transit and infrastructure funding, Amtrak issues, and airline industry contract negotiations.
Thank you, Hillary Clinton, for adding the voices of working people and the labor movement to your campaign. We’re looking forward to making sure our members and all workers have a strong ally in the White House.