Published 04 Jan, 2016
On Monday, January 4, the 105 suspended TWU Local 555 members at Southwest Airlines returned to work. The company initially threatened to suspend the employees from 45 to 90 days—without pay—during the holiday season. While we are relieved the employees are back on the job working hard for the traveling public, all grievances on this matter are still active and will be expedited throughout the grievance process. The reduction of the suspensions will not affect those members’ grievances.
Thanks to an outpouring of support from Local 555, TWU International, TWU locals across the country and other labor unions and members, more than $125,000 was raised to support the workers and their families so that they could stay current on rents and mortgages, utility bills and other necessities. The Grinch did not steal the holidays from these families—their union took care of them.
TWU International will continue to have the backs of all of our members against any company that threatens their livelihoods. One local’s fight is every local’s fight!