Published 10 Sep, 2014

By TWU Texas/Oklahoma State Conference Chair LaTonia Benoit
On Saturday, August 23, 2014, the TWU Texas/Oklahoma State Conference went to the Houston Food Bank (HFB) to volunteer as a part of our commitment to making a difference in our community through community service.
As a State Conference, it is important to stay politically active, and make a difference in working families’ households. To make a difference also means to give back to our communities.

The HFB is a nonprofit organization that collects and distributes food to hunger relief charities. The food that is distributed usually comes from various sources and wholesalers that have thousands of food to give away that would normally be thrown away. The HFB uses this partnership to further their mission to end hunger in the areas they serve. Their belief is that no one should ever go wanting for food in a country so rich in resources.
In the fiscal year 2013-2014 the HFB distributed 59 million nutritious meals, food, and other necessities. By the year 2018, its mission is to distribute 100 million meals and necessities to those in need.

Thank you, Brother John Bland, Terry Daniels, and Andrew Rangolan for your support and hard work at the HFB. The support received from TWU Local 260, Local 556, and their families and friends is greatly appreciated.
Thank you TWU International for your support!