Published 09 Dec, 2015
During the opening meeting for contract negotiations with American Airlines in Dallas, TX on December 3, Association negotiators and company representatives formed a subcommittee tasked with developing an initial negotiating schedule.
That subcommittee has met and scheduled negotiating sessions between our Association negotiating committees and American Airlines for the weeks of January 11, January 18 and January 25. Both parties have committed to devote full weeks to the meetings, and have agreed to meet as late each day as negotiations require. For each of these sessions, and as the bargaining process moves forward, negotiating sessions will generally be two meetings split between Mechanic & Related/Stores personnel and Fleet Service personnel, and combined as a full Association group whenever necessary or appropriate. Other, smaller subgroups may meet from time to time to negotiate unique provisions or contract language applicable to them.
American Airlines did not submit a proposal package at our December 3 meeting, and indicated that they would accept the Association’s proposals as the starting point for these negotiations. We welcome negotiations centered on the issues important to our membership. As we prepare for the first full negotiating session during the week of January 11, we look forward to the opportunity for our negotiators to provide an understanding of our expectations and the meaning of our proposals. We are eager for full and direct negotiations to begin in earnest.
Your continued patience and solidarity is appreciated and we look forward to keeping you updated throughout the negotiating process.