Published 06 Nov, 2012

Today is Election Day and polls have opened as early as 6 a.m. in some states. So to make sure your vote counts today, here are six simple steps to take to protect your vote today:
Call the local elections office to verify the location of your polling place. Locations may have changed, and a vote cast at the wrong place might not get counted. You can also find your polling place here.
Make sure you cast a vote. If you are in line when the polls close, stay in line because you are entitled to vote.
Bring identification to the polls, preferably a government-issued photo ID with your name and registered street address.
Ask for help from poll workers and check posted information signs if you have questions or need assistance.
If you are offered a provisional ballot, ask if you can cast a regular ballot by providing additional ID or by going to another polling place. If no alternative is available or practical, cast a provisional ballot.
If you have a voting rights problem, ask to speak with the chief election official or a voting rights volunteer at the polls, or call the toll-free nationwide Election Protection Hotline,1-866-OUR-VOTE.