Education & Training Workshops Build Stewards’ Expertise
Published 10 Sep, 2014
Over the past few months, TWU has rolled out a program of intensive education and training workshops at our locals across the country. Coordinated and overseen by Education Consultant Robert Wechsler, Ph.D., these focused sessions are tailored to the needs of specific union representatives in each local.
Workshops build steward know-how on a wide range of representational situations and procedures, creating a forum for ongoing education to support new stewards after the training comes to a close. Throughout the workshops, stewards work together, sharing resources and insights from their shop floor experience representing and advocating for members.

Earlier this year, Section Chairs at Local 525 in Cocoa Beach, FL participated in a training workshop on April 26. These Chairs represent service contract groups, public and private transit companies, airline workers and others.
On July 8, Local 252 stewards, representing members at school bus and transit operations and paratransit companies, attended a workshop in Islandia, NY.
In Ohio, union negotiators from Local 1 (Akron Metro Regional Transit Authority) and Local 208 (Central Ohio Transit Authority) came together for a three-day contract negotiations workshop taught by David Alexander, ably assisted by TWU International Representative Theotis James.
Most recently, on August 20, education and training workshops were held on-site for stewards at Local 591 (American Airlines—mechanics and stores) at LAX. Stewards at Local 502 and Local 505 (American Airlines Fleet Service) participated in a training program on August 22 at SFO.

A number of multi-day workshops that focus on specific areas of local union leadership and administrative skills are scheduled for the coming months, including a Secretary-Treasurers Seminar and a New Officers Seminar (“Boot Camp”). These seminars will bring together local union officers from different locals. Notices will be sent out soon to all TWU locals with details.